Sunday, November 13, 2011

Word camp kenya 2011

I remember stumbling upon WordCamp Kenya on a blog about a fortnight ago. Well, honestly, the first thing that caught my attention was the venue-Cray fish camp-and I thought mmmmh…that’s a good deal. All the same in my mind i still thought this would be a good opportunity to meet up with fellow bloggers and learn a few things here and there nothing much. So come yesterday, here was Wephy on her way to a weekend getaway and what better crowd to have than the craziest people online-bloggers!!

Being the African timers we are, we started off nearly two to three hours behind schedule. Before I go on any further well let me give you a little background insight on Word Camp Kenya. Well, word camp Kenya is a camp organized by word press-one of the world’s leading content management systems-in my world what this means is that bloggers create their blogs on it. So bloggers as well as IT specialists meet up and share ideas .Back to the conference and I wasn’t in the least worried, this would be quick sessions, chapchap, we are done and hello fun!!

But when one Moses Kemibaro began to speak, all that changed and I settled comfortably in my seat and began to listen. Kemibaro is a seasoned blogger having begun blogging all the way in 2005 on his blog He gave an insightful experience on his Kenyan blogging journey and how focused blogging and authentic content has ensured the success of his blog. Through his blog, he is today an authority when it comes to what’s new in technology in the Kenyan market.

As if to answer my question, one Francis Waithaka of spoke on increasing your blog visibility and ensuring that you achieve search engine optimization-simply put this is ensuring that you are more visible online using such platforms as social media which include twitter, facebook,,,google+ and such other avenues and I thought what better advice for a blogger trying to popularize his page.

Then along came Kevin, by simply looking at him, Kevin looks like just your average guy, but as often said, little is ever what it seems. Ever heard of duka press? Kevin is the brains behind it and he gave a simple yet inspiring story on how he and his friend co-founded duka press. Initially targeting the local market, duka press is today one of the best e-commerce plug-ins in the world today. And did I mention he is Kenyan?

Then of course there was Njeri Rionge, who by the way is on Forbes list of East Africa’s most successful business women. She had a very engaging talk on how to make the big bucks using our blogs and actually turn them into reputable brands again who better to speak of this than a woman who has built multi-million companies from scratch.

At the end of the session, I was only too glad that I was here, because I had taken away with me a lot more than I would have ever imagined. But trust Wephy to always catch up on some fun. They say pictures are worth a thousand words so here is my fun time in a thousand words...
amos and the ever smiling carol
arum is his name
sunset at lake naivasha
savvy n I
the poetry guru wamathai

As I write this it's early morning and am in my tent.Most of the guys are not awake yet-blame it on last night's party escapades- but the sun is aalready up so i will go watch the hippos at the lake and am sure today can only get better.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I got flowers today by paulette kelly

Here is a great poem I read some few years back and in support of my previous post I thought it would be great if you guys read it here it is..

I Got Flowers Today
I got flowers today.
It wasn't my birthday or any other special day.
We had our first argument last night,
And he said a lot of cruel things that really hurt me.
I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said.
Because he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today.
It wasn't our anniversary any other special day.
Last night, he threw me into a wall and started to choke me.
It seemed like a nightmare.
I couldn't believe it was real.
I woke up this morning sore and bruised all over.
I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today,
and it wasn't Mother's Day or any other special day.
Last night, he beat me up again.
And it was much worse than all the other times.
If I leave him, what will I do?
How will I take care of my kids?
What about money?
I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.
But I know he must be sorry.
Because he sent me flowers today.

I got flowers today.
Today was a very special day.
It was the day of my funeral.
Last night, he finally killed me.
He beat me to death.
If only I had gathered enough courage and strength to leave him,
I would not have gotten

By Paulette Kelly

© Copyright 1992 Paulette Kelly
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

because it's not what you bargained for...

listen to the radio,the grapevine on the streets,the gossip in the salon and rumours flying from one housewife to another, go ahead and read the newspapers,magazines and even the blogs and you realise that we women are some of the unhappiest people in the world today.Whether we are single, dating or even 'happily married'deep inside us the unhappiness is slowly tearing us apart.
I recently listened to the radio and a woman called in and complained that her husband had gone ahead and married a second wife and even had a child together and as if that was not enough he would beat her whenever she confronted him on the issue. You could feel her pain, it killed her to know that she was the leading lady no more and it was obvious that she was no longer happy in the would be led to think that she would opt out at the slightest opportunity but NO! even after the listeners urged her to leave she firmly said that she wouldn't after all he was still her husband and they are hard to find..unbelievable isn't? and ofcourse the cliche`'mwanamke ni kuvumilia'
And I began to ask myself..Since when did our happiness not matter? Since when did what we would really want not count? Since when did we accept that our destiny is to get married,raise kids,tirelessly care for their needs and that of our husbands while totally forgetting our own dreams?While as mothers we must sacrifice for our families must we give it all that we have nothing left to ourselves? Since when did we accept that our men can have the infamous 'mpango wa kandos' and not question, after all 'men are like that'? Since when did we allow ourselves to become punching bags for our drunken husbands and boyfriends? Since when did we accept to welcome our spouses back in the house in the wee hours of the morning while they were out there doing God-knows-what without question?Since when did our happiness become second to everything else?
I never knew my grand father,I hear he died in 1989 or 88...not even my mum is sure about it.The year was 1967,when my grandmother,a woman born into a world where women had no voice,where women were constantly battered in the name of love,where a woman was only to be seen and not heard,a world bound by tradition,that she took her five young children-the youngest hardly two years old- and returned to her mother's house at a time when divorce was unheard of.I hear he used to beat her alot till she could take it no more. With hardly any education,she raised her kids by her bare hands-literally-she was a farmer sometimes even waking up at 3am to walk to far away farms just so she could provide for them. Mum tells me that though they were poor,they never slept hungry and she educated all of all the way to the university.
Women will not walk out of unhappy and abusive relationships for a number of reasons which according to me stand no ground compared to your happiness and safety. We say we stay for the sake of our children but what we don't know is that by staying in such relationships we put our children at risk and if you are not safe with him, chances are that they aren't either. The torture we experience in such relationships eventually gets to our children and I know that we become even better parents when we are happy within ourselves. Children, therefore, are never an excuse to stay in a bad or abusive relationship.
We claim we stay for the money because we have no resources with which to support the kids and ourselves, I say get up and get yourself a job. I know of women who left when they were nothing more than housewives without even a post-secondary training but are today successful business women. It's never easy at first and there will be many times when you will question your decision but I know that taking this bold step is the first step towards becoming a happier woman and an even better mother because there is life after an abusive relationship. My grandmother took this step at a time when opportunities for formal employment were rare more so for women, yet we are in a world that has provided us with a million opportunities!Why then stay and continue being unhappy?
Iam not saying that we should leave our marriages or relationships as soon as something goes wrong lest I am misunderstood, all am saying is that there is a limit. You need to know when to leave especially with domestic violence. It all starts with a push, then a shove, a slap here and there, a punch, a kick and before you know it it's a full fledged beating. It is always said that a woman undergoing domestic violence needs to negotiate from outside-from a safer place,far away from the marriage.
So your husband cannot be faithful and you know that it pains. You hardly have any self esteem left, he has managed to suck it all. It's the way he looks at you with disgust because you have had two of his children and you don't look as youthful as you did before. You know he is never going to stop afterall the beautiful ones are not yet born. Will you wait till you catch the virus and only then realise it is too late to leave? or will you wait for the day he takes away all your self worth and he eventually kicks you out of his house? So you are a single mother now and society has little respect for you,I ask what's respect compared to your happiness?
So when we go back home, behind closed doors and we cry because we feel worthless, because love has become just but an illusion, because he doesn't look at you the way used to, because you know that he is not about to change, because you cannot take no more....then it's time to take the step,the bold step to re-discovering and appreciating yourself,the step to freedom on the road to happiness...

Friday, October 14, 2011

...want to love...

I want to love again...
I want to learn to love again,
Love again...without holding back,
Letting go all my heart may feel..,
Love like am 16 all over again.

I want to love again...
Love without a doubt,love without fear,
fear that you will soon go..fear of the end,
I want to foolishly believe in unending love..,
Love like am 16 all over again.

I want to love again,
Love like its the air I breathe,
Love so bad I want to elope,
Love like its the only thing in the world,
Love like am 16 all over again.

and my heart...
I want to teach my heart to love,
Like its never been bruised before,
Like its never known pain,
Like its never shed a tear,
Love like am 16 all over again.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Paul Simon: Call me Al, concert zimbabwe / South Africa

well after been away for far too long what better way to return than to share with u guyz one of my best songs since childhood...

Monday, January 24, 2011

ABBA - Fernando

ABBA - Fernando

this january...

For the past one month or so I haven't blogged not because I haven't had the time but mostly because I lacked the inspiration. I just don't know what to write about yet so today I will just write what's been happening around me. So school has opened and back to lectures-not boring as most of you would have hoped I write, actually I love school. It's the only time I get to spend with myself away from the weird as it sounds tis was hoping to be more serious this quarter but haven't yet got back on the right footing and still got a huge work load to do. Last week was bad... baby was down with a cough so yeah missed most of the classes and those that I went to I either got there late or 90% of my mind was at home with the baby so  last week was a zerosome academic affair. I had decided to join the school hockey team this time round in a bid to lose some of the baby weight but am stil yet to do that..the practice hours are so tight but since its my other love besides blogging I will still find time for it..and yes I badly need to lose the weight...In the mean time been applying for internship so that I have somewhere to run to when school closes...just kidding...By the way, I have been reading the constitution a lot these days just in case baby daddy decides to run...glad to know I can sue for child support...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

get fed-the eatery

Nanyuki is a small laid back town at the foothill of Mt.Kenya.It has some of the most beautiful holiday resorts in the country and when I have the time I check out a few and they are great.I have always wanted to write about them but it's when you find a place that completely takes you by surprise that you just cant help...your fingers itch and you find yourself writing.I just found another of the town's secret places.It's a small,comfy restaurant with an old English feel to it,its wall hangings are old pictures of the town probably shot in the 50s and 60s as well as newspapers cuttings from probably around the same period well into the 80s.It doesn't end there, it also has a book club so you can eat and read!!beautiful!!Their food-complete with an exotic a la carte menu-is great and the hospitality makes it even tastier.It even gets better because it also has a beauty parlour and a shop mostly selling African artifacts.You will not often come across this kind of place anywhere especially in an upcountry town so the next you come to Nanyuki pass by "Get Fed"-the eatery on Kenyatta avenue...the one place where you get beautiful,get informed and get fed!!!