Wednesday, January 5, 2011

get fed-the eatery

Nanyuki is a small laid back town at the foothill of Mt.Kenya.It has some of the most beautiful holiday resorts in the country and when I have the time I check out a few and they are great.I have always wanted to write about them but it's when you find a place that completely takes you by surprise that you just cant help...your fingers itch and you find yourself writing.I just found another of the town's secret places.It's a small,comfy restaurant with an old English feel to it,its wall hangings are old pictures of the town probably shot in the 50s and 60s as well as newspapers cuttings from probably around the same period well into the 80s.It doesn't end there, it also has a book club so you can eat and read!!beautiful!!Their food-complete with an exotic a la carte menu-is great and the hospitality makes it even tastier.It even gets better because it also has a beauty parlour and a shop mostly selling African artifacts.You will not often come across this kind of place anywhere especially in an upcountry town so the next you come to Nanyuki pass by "Get Fed"-the eatery on Kenyatta avenue...the one place where you get beautiful,get informed and get fed!!!


  1. Hi Steph, this is so nyc do you have the same for Nairobi Historic sites and their history?

  2. hi marcus thanx a lot glad you like it.i dont have one but great idea! i tink that will be my next blog!

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  4. marcus,you could send me your email address i will alert you when i write one.good day

  5. Hi, my email address is
