Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I write because words can heal,
I write because words can feel,
I write because a soul they can fill,
I write because I can.

I write because words can speak,
I write because words brighten a heart so bleak,
I write because ............
I  write because I can.

I write because a tear they can wipe,
I write because words can hype,
I write because words are deep,
I write because I can.

prayer for Ryan...........

When I kneel down to pray for you my son,there are so many things I want to ask God for.I want you to grow up into a fine young man,I want you to be bright,responsible,principled....I want so many things my son...so many things...I want you to be number one,to be enviable,I want you to be the best....so when I kneel down to pray,sometimes am at a loss.............do I want a bright child but naughty?or an obedient but not so bright child?............I pray that all good may be found in you but even I know that no one is perfect....sometimes I think that responsible is what I should ask for but then again I have so many other things I want for you ....so many things my son...so many things..but when I kneel down to pray for you tonight,I will not ask for the sooo many things....I will ask that the Lord may do His will because I know He has your best interests at heart and I as your mom may direct you onto the right path so that when you're older,you may not leave it my son...

they neva told me...........

'aawwww!...sweet!...such a blessing...'I heard them say...it's gonna be fine,it's gonna be great...and so I believed them...them that had been through this before...them that were looking up to me...them that were my friends...and so I soldiered on with courage and a mighty heart and I walked proudly because I knew it would be fine,great,it would be okay.......but it never was!...they never told me there would be times I would want to run....they never told me there would be times my strength would fail me....they never told me friends would leave...they never told me the way he looks at me would change...they never spoke of these tears ,the pain,the helplessness...and they never told me of this loneliness that fills me and threatens to take away my happiness.profound loneliness...they just didn't...they never told me......,